
Organ-on-a-chip engineered tissues

We create vascularized engineered tissues

Around 95% of drugs that show promise during preclinical studies fail in the human trials. The lack of predictive power of animal models is typically provided as reason for this high amount of failure, besides the associated ethical considerations. Human organ on chips models are developed to improve the quality of identified drug targets in the preclinical pipeline, as they resemble the physiological environment more closely. However, current organ-on-chip models struggle to integrate microvasculature, especially in the micron scale. The microvasculature present in many tissues such as cancer, lungs, or skin play a pivotal role in delivering nutrients and oxygen as well as waste removal. FiberCyte developed a (temporary) 3D template that can be integrated in organ-on chip models, which can produce an interconnected network of channels, ranging from microns to mm . The template is comprised of a unique, biocompatible, and cell adhesive polymer that can be removed on demand under benign temperature conditions. Using the TTTMedTech Voucher, we are currently assessing methods to upscale manufacturing and simplify the integration in existing organ on chip model in healthcare.


Smart Industry

Nico Nijenhuis

Circular Technology

Maurits Burgering


Esther Rodijk

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