
Phosphorus Polymers for Life

Novel biodegradable polymers make Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) greener

Phos4nova develops Phos4MR, novel biodegradable polymers that can be detected with MRI. Previously, we obtained the first proof-of-concept for a new molecular design of polymers based on biocompatible and biodegradable polyphosphoesters. This design makes it possible to detect phosphorus atoms in the polymer backbone.

We expect that Phos4MR can make clinical MRI more efficient and reduce the environmental pollution resulting from the current heavy-metal-based MRI contrast agents.

The first TTT-CT ticket has been used to explore the commercial potential of these polymers, particularly to develop a go-to-market strategy. Moreover, we have optimized the production along with MRI

We have successfully demonstrated that the synthesis is reproducible and scalable, which is a prerequisite to developing materials for clinical use. Moreover, we have started optimizing MRI imaging and carried out market analysis

There is still a long journey ahead until Phos4MR can be used in the clinic. First, we need to validate this innovative technology in disease models in vivo. Therefore, we are planning to explore how to tailor the chemistry for tumor imaging. We are also looking into other aspects important to enter clinical trials. Finally, we envision many other applications of this technology, for example in regenerative medicine.


Smart Industry

Nico Nijenhuis

Circular Technology

Maurits Burgering


Esther Rodijk


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