
First TTT Team Up Day: Bringing the community together

First TTT Team Up Day: Bringing the community together

On Thursday November 23rd, the TTT community gathered in DeFabrique in Utrecht for the very first TTT Team Up Day. The 160 participants enjoyed a diverse programme and took the opportunity to network and team up with each other. A brief overview of the day.

To break the ice, the participants were immersed in the flipthinking show. In the entertaining show, the attendees were challenged to take a different approach to problems. Instead of looking for a solution, the trick turned out to be to accept the problem as it is, embrace it, and make the most of the situation. During the show, the attendees were asked to flipthink a couple of challenges, and the most creative solutions received a small prize. A valuable lesson for startup entrepreneurs and thus, a good start of the day.

Stairway to success

After that, it was time for the first network opportunity of the day, followed by the Prison Island escape challenge and the session about starting a science-based startup. During that session, the biggest ‘fuck ups’ were discussed and tips were provided to validate their startup ideas. Following the session, the elevate sessions took place on different topics such as team building, building a strong pitch deck, and investor insights.

The day was filled to the brim with interesting sessions and engaging activities. One of which was the stairway to success, in which TTT participants share their stories about their startup journey. Aisling Foley of ExCulture shared the following: “Running a spin-off is a rollercoaster ride with all its ups and downs. But the dip often comes at the start. So make sure you’re really passionate about your project so you can handle these challenges.” Anouk Hubrechsen from Antennex added: “Keep self-reflecting and dare to be wrong. And then learn from your mistakes and keep going.”

Connecting people

The organisation looks back on a successful first TTT Team Up Day. With 160 participants, it was easy to connect and team up. Nico Nijenhuis, programme director of Smart Industry: “For me, it was a great day. It’s so special to see everyone in the community come together for the first time and have a good time. At one point, I was talking on stage, but a lot of people were still talking over me. Instead of getting annoyed, I flipthinked it into a good thing. Because the fact that people were talking meant that they were connecting – which was exactly the aim of the day. So I say: mission accomplished!”

Find the pictures of the day here.


Smart Industry

Nico Nijenhuis


Circular Technology

Maurits Burgering



Esther Rodijk


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