Photosynthetic: update

Photosynthetic is on its way to large-scale biomedical applications

Photosynthetic: update
"I want Photosynthetic to become a global player that offers a unique and disruptive technology."
Alexander Kostenko
CEO Photosynthetic

In healthcare, but in other industries as well, there is a great need for ever smaller structures that support research and treatment. The Amsterdam-based startup Photosynthetic is filling this gap and developing a technology to print 3D structures at the micron scale. Photosynthetic recently received a TTT investment, and is now taking the step towards application in the biomedical industry.

Alexander Kostenko, CEO of Photosynthetic, cites some examples of those biomedical applications where 3D printing at the micron level can be important. “Think of the lab-on-chip developments and producing the so-called Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS). Our technology is based on a patented technology that uses a chemical reaction controlled by light in 3D. Current technologies are still based on stacking 2D structures.”

The foundation has been laid

The TTT investment will enable a further development of the technology. Kostenko: “We are currently busy finalizing our prototype and manufacturing methods for various high-tech applications. The first test pilots with partners are being run. This enables us to enter the global market with greater certainty. The investment and confidence we got from the TTT program is great. At the same time, we are actually just getting started. The investment is still fresh and the collaboration will continue to take shape, but the foundation has certainly been laid.”

About Photosynthetic

Photosynthetic was founded in 2018. It is a spin off of the Centrum voor Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and is hosted by the Demostrator Lab at the Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. The idea was to explore a new way of 3D printing called Volumteric Lithography. Following the allocation and completion of the Take Off Phase One project from science funder NWO, a variation of the initial invention has emerged: a fast, high-resolution 3D printing method for objects smaller than a millimeter. This technology enables rapid prototyping for these objects and can significantly reduce the costs of the process.

About Alexander Kostenko

CEO Alexander Kostenko is from Russia and began his PhD in Applied Physics at the TU Delft in 2009. He specialized in in computational algorithms for 3D imaging applications. Afterwards, he worked in corporate R&D at Seismic Imaging. Three years later, he returned to academia with a project on imaging cultural heritage with the Centrum voor Wiskunde & Informatica and the Rijksmuseum. During this time, he invented the 3D printing technology that later formed the basis of Photosynthetic.
Kostenko: “I want Photosynthetic to become a global player that offers a unique and disruptive technology. In doing so, we want to help researchers and engineers develop innovations much faster than they often do now.”


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