
SolvGe: TTT and Take-off

SolvGe: TTT and Take-off

An interesting example of cross-pollination between NWO and the TTT programmes is SolvGe (Solving Green Energy). This start-up from Delft came up with the solution for storing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is in great demand as a clean energy source. Hydrogen peroxide helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels . However, storing H2O2 is cumbersome, risky, and very expensive. SolvGe developed the world’s first mobile hydrogen peroxide printer.

SolvGe is currently installing this patented technology in machines that are rented or sold to customers. SolvGe mainly serves the aerospace industry, where a clear transition to green propulsion is taking place. The company is also expanding into other markets, such as the chemical industry, the semiconductor industry, and the pulp and paper industry.


SolvGe has received both a Proof of Concept ticket from the TTT Circular Technology and a Take-off grant (phases 1 and 2) from NWO. Jaime Quesada Manas, CTO and co-founder of SolvGe, is convinced that both impulses have been crucial to the growth of his company. “We have succeeded in growing SolvGe into a team of eleven experts. This was partly achieved thanks to these subsidies and investments. We were ecstatic when we heard that we had won the Take-off 2 grant. Not only because of the financial support, but also because it showed that NWO recognised the good work we had done up to that point.”


Quesada Manas considers the TTT voucher an important step towards the Take-off grant. “Although Take-off is a bigger financial boost than the TTT voucher, I am convinced that securing this type of subsidy is essential to making a name for yourself. Thanks in part to that TTT voucher, we were able to show the NWO committee that various stakeholders already believed in our potential. After we won the Take-off 2 grant, we applied for the TTT business voucher. With this, we financed a less technical, but equally essential part: our business model and marketing. In short, that TTT voucher has also proven to be enormously important for our growth. Not only because of the finances, but certainly also because of the recognition of our progress. The synergy between the NWO and TTT grants are an important reason  we now have two commercial models at SolvGe and continue to grow. I hope other entrepreneurs can also take advantage of both instruments.”


Smart Industry

Nico Nijenhuis


Circular Technology

Maurits Burgering



Esther Rodijk


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