
Heat battery Technology

Store heat and use it again later: let's start an energy revolution!

Cellcius is a TNO -TUe spinoff and was supported with a business development ticket. They worked together with three parties to sharpen its company profile, funding possibilities, and financial strategy. This all has resulted in an up-to-date business plan for the Spin-off: Heatbattery (as it was called during its preliminary stage).

Together with Thrivid, we focussed on describing the core values of our spin-off, resulting in a branding about who we are and our new name: Cellcius. We made two deliberate typos in our name, to indicate storage ‘Cell’ and to stay away from Celsius.

As can be seen from the logo, we were looking for a robust logo, with a colormap indicating visionary, transforming, and inspiring values. The squared brackets indicate a box, which stores heat.

For our business plan, the funding and financial strategy were still missing. Together with Catalyse and F.Institute this was tackled.

The financial strategy was worked out together with F.Institute and they created an environment mapping the current and future financial situation of Cellcius. This helped us by understanding the different subsidy opportunities and necessarily funding needs. Listing the necessary investments in material, person and equipment was highly useful and in the end, F.Institute is now our financial administration partner.

As the need for additional funding became clear during the sessions with F.institute, Catalyse started to work on a subsidy roadmap. During this process, we moved away from the idea of a heat battery for each house to transportable heat batteries, charged with waste heat. In this roadmap, different funding options were listed. For each funding opportunity the scope, consortium, way of funding, project duration, and deadline were listed. Currently, we are working on two applications of subsidy based on the developed funding roadmap.

In the end, also support for the transfer of HEAT-INSYDE assets towards Cellcius was given by F.Institute. As they have experience with these kinds of large EU projects, their input was very valuable and helped us accelerate the process.



Smart Industry

Nico Nijenhuis


Circular Technology

Maurits Burgering



Esther Rodijk



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