
Relaxing alignment tolerances in Photonic manufacturing

A novel micro-electromechanical system.

MicroAlign is developing a revolutionary alignment solution to optimally connect multiple optical fibers and photonic integrated chips. The connection of optical fibers and photonic chips has always been an exhausting operation, and MicroAlign’s task is to provide a micro-positioning stage capable of relaxing the involved strict alignment tolerances. MicroAlign aims to optimize the quality of each optical fiber-to-chip connection, for tens of optical fibers and with sub-micrometer accuracy, by means of a novel micro-electromechanical system.

The positioning method offered by MicroAlign has an impact in the Photonic manufacturing world for a number of applications ranging from DATACOM, sensing, LIDAR, up to infra-red communication.

MicroAlign is a spin-off of the Eindhoven University of Technology, where the right scientific environment is in place to develop the assembly technology required by next-generation optical devices.


Smart Industry

Nico Nijenhuis


Circular Technology

Maurits Burgering



Esther Rodijk



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