Technology for the medical world
Technological innovations are needed more than ever to keep health care affordable, qualitative, and staffed in the long term. However, the route to the market is very complex and difficult for MedTech spin-offs. The Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTO) of TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, University of Twente, and Wageningen University & Research are building a national and open program, together with the KTOs of Erasmus MC, RadboudUMC, and Maastricht UMC, as well as VC fund Innovation Industries.
Medical Technology
Technology-driven medical solutions often need to cross a long road to success. Apart from the technical functionalities and medical potential, topics like certification, reimbursement, and implementation strategies play an important role. An early connection between the medical and technical worlds is key to developing a strong proposition for the right market. This TTT stimulates early cross-overs between the two worlds.
How does it work?
The TTT program consists of two pillars: pillar 1 focuses on researchers that plan on spinning off a company, and pillar 2 focuses on recently founded spin-offs.
With our track record, we support researchers to strengthen their proposition and build a roadmap to a successful company. The support activities include sharing knowledge and network, thematic workshops and events, as well as financial support in the form of cross-over vouchers (pillar 1). Depending on the needs of the proposition, different activities can be performed with the voucher. Think of e.g. proof of concept and demonstrators for market validation, setting up a roadmap towards regulatory approval, development of value propositions, business models, revenue models, making samples available for testing on the market, market research, initiatives to strengthen the intended team, etcetera.
For young spin-offs, we also offer initial financing, typically in the form of convertible loans intended to become investor-ready (pillar 2). This part of the TTT support is delivered by Innovation Industries. In addition to capital, these professional VC funds provide hands-on support for the newly found spin-offs through their extensive knowledge, experience, and above all their networks in both the financial and industrial sector.
If you’re interested in applying for a ticket, please contact the knowledge transfer office of your knowledge institution.